Private Lessons
Catering to your learning needs
_There are many reasons to use a private teacher or
Do you need:
a flexible schedule?
personal attention?
to learn at your own pace?
to catch up on info you missed in class?
or just need extra help to boost your grade?
No matter what your reason is, Academy Road Languages will cater to you.
Do you need:
a flexible schedule?
personal attention?
to learn at your own pace?
to catch up on info you missed in class?
or just need extra help to boost your grade?
No matter what your reason is, Academy Road Languages will cater to you.
_STANDARDS FOR FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING Set forth by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages COMMUNICATION Communicate in Languages Other Than English CULTURES Gain Knowledge and Understanding of Other Cultures CONNECTIONS Connect with Other Disciplines and Acquire Information COMPARISONS Develop Insight into the Nature of Language and Culture COMMUNITIES Participate in Multilingual Communities at Home & Around the World |